Bogging Down vs. Blogging Through
August 3 -Blogging can be useful, therapeutic. It’s a great way to focus on the journey. I love the concept of working out loud—letting others see where I am in my process. I’m not a famous, successful writer. I’m a beginner in many ways, still learning and hoping to improve. I’ve met a lot of other writers in my same position, and we often learn from each other. But writers can quickly become bogged down with regularly producing blog content. And it could easily use up valuable writing time. So, I’ve made a couple of decisions. I will write at least 10 blogs before I post the first one, to ensure that I have a content backlog. These blogs will include the why I’m doing this, what I hope to achieve, and how I hope to succeed. This will allow me time to reflect on each of these elements before I get started. I give myself permission to stop after 10 blog posts if I’m either not having fun, or having so much fun that I’m breaking the Manage Your Time rule (see Focusing In blog).I’ll post on a regular schedule and use a calendar event to remind me. I’m working out loud. We’ll see how that goes.