
I’m 9 days into National November Writing Month where I’m working to finish 50,000 words of a new novel in 30 days.

I’ve attempted this twice before and each time dropped the ball before the end.

I think I can make it this year because:

1)      I’ve prioritized it. I let my family and friends know that every day I won’t be free until I’ve met my goal of at least 1,667 new words. This can be awkward when you have holidays, houseguests, and other commitments. I caved in all the other attempts. But this time I believe I can stay focused without guilt (or without a lot of the usual guilt—I’m a pleaser. It takes confidence to say writing is my priority).

2)      I prepared for it. I’m writing my first science fiction, so I spent weeks writing a world-building document that helped me answer (or make up) a lot of the questions Earthlings might have regarding life off planet. I also created a loose outline. Loose, because I’m by nature a pantser. I didn’t want to list each scene and emotion months before I wrote it. I wanted a guideline that would keep me focused but allow the characters leeway.

I’m not overly confident. There are 21 more days to go. I’m still in the honeymoon stage where I know where I want to go each day. I’ve heard the last two weeks are the hardest. And those days align with Thanksgiving. How will I stay focused surrounded by friends, family, and traditions?

No clue.

But I’m excited to find out.


I did it!!


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